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Automotive advertising agencies are challenged to provide more for less to serve a consolidating auto industry and today’s Internet has provided them with the media and the methods to do it. Budget conscious consumers are firmly in the driving seat on the Internet Super Highway and auto dealers have directed their marketing messages to their online showrooms vs. their brick and mortar facilities to get their attention. More accurately, they are following their customers onto the World Wide Web and hoping th

Online advertising versus print advertising. In my line of work, I get asked this question a lot. Which is better, online advertising or print advertising?The answer is two-fold. One, it depends. Two, they’re both important if you are serious about marketing your business. I’m big on the “360 degree” comprehensive marketing plan that utilizes many different touch points. Think about your ideal customers right now. It is likely, no matter what industry your business sits in, that they are fragmented, don’t h