- Sanitary Pad Disposal Sanitary Pad Burner Easy & Safe Way of Sanitary Pad Disposal. Sanitary Napkin Burner, Incinerator, Destroy

Description: Sanitary Pad Disposal Sanitary Pad Burner Easy & Safe Way of Sanitary Pad Disposal. Sanitary Napkin Burner, Incinerator, Destroyer

destroyer (65) incinerator (43) sanitary pad disposal sanitary pad burner easy & safe way of san (1)

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"Global" - The Brand is having Large Market Share in the Field of Waste Management Equipments, Now Introducing Equipments for "Sanitary Napkin Disposal" - The completely New Equipment. The Unit is Prepared with MS and SS (Stainless Steel) for Good Looking and to avoid Corrosion. It's Fully Automatic and Works on Domestic Electrical Supply. It is Idle for Sanitary Napkin Disposal & Small Clinical Waste. It Burns the Used Sanitary Napkin and Other Waste with Electric Coil and Release Smoke in the Exhaust Pipe

Disposal of the used Sanitary Napkins has been a very common problem everywhere. Girls do not like to carry their used Sanitary Napkins or maxi pads to a household bin in front of family and friends. She doesn't keep it in normal bathroom bin as it leads to embarrassing visuals and smells. Though sometimes she pack it in Plastic Bag and drop it in Dustbin / Bathroom Rubbish. The most common way she use is, Flush it into the Drain. Both the above way of disposing Sanitary Napkins create problems. The Flushin

A Study Says that Over 80% Girls Flush their Used Sanitary Napkins / Sanitary Pads and Tampons because They are Messy, Bad Smelly and Embarrassing. Which Consumes Millions of Liters of clean Water in the Toilets. Not only that, It creates Blockage is in the Sewerage Line System and Drainage Line Chock-ups which requires Periodically Clearing of Drainage Lines.

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