- Sanora Babb - Welcome

Description: Official Sanora Babb website, her bio, books, news and photographs.

dust bowl (7) sanora babb (1) whose names are unknown (1) an owl on every post (1) cry of the tinamou (1) told in the seed (1) the lost traveler (1) on the dirty plate trail (1) dust storms (1) dan burns dust bowl documentary (1)

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Sanora Babb was born in Oklahoma Territory in 1907 where she developed a life-long affinity with Native American beliefs and community life based on the Otoes she knew as a child in Red Rock. There the local chief named her Little Cheyenne Who Rides Like the Wind —a name in which she took great pride. In 1913, her family moved from small town security to an utterly isolated 320-acre broomcorn farm on the vast, dry High Plains where they spent five years homesteading in eastern Colorado. (Her memoir An Owl o