Description: The DTSA (Downtown Santa Ana) Farmers' Market is a community-oriented, chef-driven Farmers' Market that strives to bring the highest quality produce at the best price possible. Every Sunday from 10am to 2pm.
certified (1714) community events (239) organic produce (109) community market (5) santa ana certified farmers market dtsa santa ana farmers' market downtown santa ana farmers' market a market for everyone artisanal.
The DSTA Farmers' Market takes place on the corner parking lot on Bush and 3rd Street in Downtown Santa Ana.
No one has higher standards for quality produce than those that prepare food for a living. Don't be surprised when you see the same top-quality produce found at the Downtown Santa Ana Certified Farmers’ Market being served in one of our amazing downtown restaurants .
Wouldn't it be nice if you knew more about the food you put in your body? Well there's a good chance that the goods and produce that you'll find at the Market were grown/made by the exact same person selling it.