- SAR 12th International Conference on Artistic Research: Society for Artistic Research

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Vienna, 07 – 09/04/2021 About Programme Register Login Play About Programme Contributions Partners Society for Artistic Research Play Soundscape “Dare—Care—Share” by Johannes Kretz with contributions of the members of the conference committee. For the first time online: 12th International Conference on Artistic Research Future Art Lab of mdw © Hertha Hurnaus "Social d[ist]ancing" © Hanne Pilgrim, Adrián Artacho "The Slum" © Archivo Instituto Bartolome De Las Casas "Empty Lounge" mdw © Martin Moravek Schille

Visit the documentation of the conference here: roof exposition

The conference was oriented on the three attractors "care", "dare" and "share" and is the first SAR conference to be organised as a live online event.

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