- Sarah Kennedy Norquoy

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Sarah moved from Cambridge, England, to the Orkney Islands with her two children in 2008 where she now lives with her second husband and dog, Hope. She is often described as hilariously funny, honest, and relatable. ‘A sheer drop of positivity and happiness’. When she’s not doing her day job as a support worker, you will probably find her swimming in the sea or dreaming about it.

She loves writing and shares her observations on life in a funny, sensitive, and self-aware way through her blog and Instagram stories. Sarah describes herself as an extroverted-introvert, with a love of solitude, a deep passion for finding joy in the every day, and a love of scouring the beaches for tiny pieces of sea glass and pottery washed up on the shore.

In January 2019, Sarah’s world was shattered by the death of a close friend and her mother’s dementia diagnosis, both within the space of two weeks. In search of solace from her living grief, she turned to her newfound hobby of wild swimming.

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