- Sarah Will Write - Sarah S. Reida Author Website

Description: Sarah S. Reida Author Website

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I’ve been trying to be a professional writer for well over ten years now. Because books mattered most to me when I was in grade school–as an introverted kid who LOVED the smell of books, the feel of that heavy book bag while walking from the library–that was my intended audience. From 2008 onward, I tried to write for them, eventually snagging a literary agent from a top-tier agency, and thinking that finally, finally , it was going to happen for me.

Well, it didn’t. Not with that agent, and not with the next two. Or the five or six collective submissions we had to publishers.

During all that time, I followed the writing rules. I found QueryTracker, a great site with an online forum for writers, and got my first permanent writing partner, Veronica. Eventually, I added Frans and Claire to my list (both published writers), and I never let anything I wrote go out to any third party without their review. Same with my query letters, which are the pitches a writer sends to an agent in an effort to get them to review their work.

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