- SashWeaver - front page

Description: Information on finger weaving, fingerweaving, yarn belts, and sprang, instructional materials and a gallery of completed items

sprang (13) finger weaving (7) fingerweaving (6) sprang instruction (3) fingerweaving instruction (3) finger weaving instruction (3) yarn belts (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to the SprangLady Subscribers Information Site.

I look forward to sharing information with you, and accompanying you in your explorations of sprang. I will be available for a monthy sprang chat via Zoom, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. There you can ask me questions, and receive on-line support. You will also be able to meet others interested in sprang.

You will find a number of documents here. I consider these the foundational instruction sheets that follow after you've mastered the basic interlinking stitch.

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