- Satapathi Lab – Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee

Description: Welcome to Satapathi Lab Latest News Welcome new student Ashish to the group. Welcome new student Ritu to the group. Welcome new student Darshika to the group. Welcome new student Ankita Sengupta to the group. Prof. Soumitra Satapathi has received the Best Technology Transfer Award in Energy under Young Scientist Category from DRDO. Dr. Namrata…

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Satapathi lab in association with Perovskite Society of India and Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee is organizing a 3-day International conference. Link

Our startup “Perovskite Innovations” featured at the StartUp Expo, IIT Roorkee. Click Here .

Prof. Soumitra Satapathi is now honorary Tata solar Visiting Professor. Click Here