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Description: The processing capacity of the upgraded plant was 1250 TCD (tonnes crushed per day). In 2006, the capacity of the plant was upgraded to 4000 TCD and an industry benchmark was created for capacity expansion in the shortest time. The processing capacity of the plant was further increased to 7500 TCD and 10000 TCD in the fiscal year 2009-10 and 2012-13, respectively.Now, SSL has embarked on the mission of growing sugarcane in more than 10,000 acres of land and making the produce available to the plant during t

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Satish Sugars Ltd. was started as a Khandasari unit in 2000-01 with an initial capacity of 100 TCD. +Read more

The distillery unit, an ambitious project of the company, was commissioned and implemented in a record time. +Read more

SSL started a 31 MW cogeneration unit to contribute its mite to redress the power situation in Karnataka. +Read more