- SaTScan - Software for the spatial, temporal, and space-time scan statistics

gis (1936) geography (431) clustering (60) clusters (43) disease surveillance (5) spatial statistics (4)

Example domain paragraphs

SaTScan™ is a free software that analyzes spatial, temporal and space-time data using the spatial, temporal, or space-time scan statistics. It is designed for any of the following interrelated purposes:

The software may also be used for similar problems in other fields such as archaeology, astronomy, botany, criminology, ecology, economics, engineering, forestry, genetics, geography, geology, history, neurology or zoology.

SaTScan uses either a Poisson-based model, where the number of events in a geographical area is Poisson-distributed, according to a known underlying population at risk; a Bernoulli model, with 0/1 event data such as cases and controls; a space-time permutation model, using only case data; an ordinal model, for ordered categorical data; an exponential model for survival time data with or without censored variables; or a normal model for other types of continuous data. The data may be either aggregated at the

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