- SatTrackCam Leiden (b)log

Description: classified military Space (spy satellites) and Missiles

Example domain paragraphs

THE SECRET SPIES IN THE SKY - Imagery, Data Analysis, and Discussions relating to Military Space SatTrackCam Leiden (Cospar 4353) is a satellite tracking station located at Leiden, the Netherlands. The tracking focus is on classified objects - i.e. "spy satellites". With a camera, accurate positional measurements on satellites of interest are obtained in order to determine their orbits. Orbital behaviour is analysed. This blog analyses Missile tests too.

When I started tracking satellites and publishing this blog 18 years ago, I spent a lot of time on validating the accuracy of my methods and observations . A lot has happened since then: I moved on to better equipment, and new validation methods have become available.

In this blogpost, I revisit the accuracy of my current video observations , using ESA's SWARM satellites as calibration targets .