- Saturna Island Lamb Barbeque - July 1st

Description: The Lamb Barbeque is a joyous celebration of Canada Day, centred around a traditionally prepared barbequed lamb meal, with an old-fashioned country fair flavour. Our community has hosted the Saturna Lamb Barbeque on an annual basis since 1950 when it began as a school picnic on the Campbell’s farm at Saturna Beach in celebration of our July 1 national holiday.

bbq (3220) bc (2367) bake (184) roast (134) canada day (14) saturna island (4) lamb barbecue (2) lamb barbeque (2) july 1 (2)

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A portion of all proceeds goes towards fundraising efforts for the Saturna Community Club.

Bring your picnic blankets, shade umbrella and reusable water bottles.  Enjoy a day trip to the Southern Gulf Islands and join us for Canada Day!

The Saturna Island Canada Day Lamb BBQ is a free public community festival with music, entertainment, fun games, beer & wine garden, food vendors and special prepared lamb bbq meal.  

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