- – Save Our Home World

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My name is Johnny Blue Star. I am the host of Inalienable and Free: Voice of the Coalition, a program devoted to the development of the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment, an organization founded to address human and citizen rights in the United States and around the world.

Faced with the prospect of endless wars, violent episodes of devastating hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes, massive poverty, disease and starvation throughout the world, the relentless intrusion of major corporations against the environment and consumer safety, the degradation of citizen and human rights andthe distortions of news by media and government, it is easy for citizens of the United States and the rest of the world to feel powerless in the wake of such overwhelming obstacles. Yet, the United St

In our view, the problem in the United States and elsewhere is not only a political and economic problem, but it is also a spiritual one. I believe that human conscience, that is, our understanding of good and evil, is a mirror of a higher consciousness, a state of awareness that all of are entitled to share. This spiritual awareness involves a conscious connection to this source- and it is this connection which truly launches positive manifestation. Results regarding manifestation are unpredictable and dep