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research (8820) animal (2557) conservation (2515) costa rica (1510) zoo (639) jungle (326) endangered (100) corcovado (17) tapir (10) danta (4)

Example domain paragraphs is more than a fight to save a single endangered species. We are dedicated to saving the habitat in which the tapirs live in. The number one reason that the tapirs are going extinct is because they have no place left to live. Deforestation and lack of corridors between habitats limits the genetic diversity and, as a result, the chances of survival for the tapir. Saving their habitat not only benefits the tapir, but every species from microbe to monkey.

But we don't want to stop here. We want local people to be aware of the tapir and work with us to save them. To do this we are forming relationships with other non-profit organizations in Costa Rica whose main goal is education. Together we can all help save the tapir and their native habitat.

The Baird's tapir project was started in 1994 by Charles Foerster and is the longest ongoing tapir project in the world. It is currently led by Kendra Bauer and involves placing radio collars on tapirs in Costa Rica's Corcovado National Park to study their social systems and habitat preferences. The data obtained from this project is crucial for the development of animal husbandry guidelines as well as for the understanding and conserving this endangered species. Read more...