- SBFT'23 Homepage

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Optimization techniques can be applied to many aspects of the software development process: research areas known as Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE). In our previous workshop editions, we focused on the application of SBSE to perform testing tasks, the so called Search-Based Software Testing (SBST). Ongoing research on SBST and Fuzz Testing are proposing techniques to address similar testing problems and with similar goals. This has led to the decision to rename the workshop to Search-Based and Fuzz

The central objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and industrial practitioners from SBST, Fuzzing, and the wider Software Engineering community to share experience and provide directions for future research on the automation of software testing. The second objective of this workshop is to encourage the use of search and fuzzing techniques to combine testing with other software engineering areas. SBFT is a one-day workshop that comprises a research track, keynotes, and popular testing t

SBFT 2023 is co-located with ICSE 2023 . However, SBFT will be held in a hybrid setting. In order to attend SBFT, you have to register for our workshop using the official ICSE registration link . Once you registered for SBFT, the ICSE team will send you an e-mail with the invitation to attend the conference online or in person, according to your preference.

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