Description: Join us as we celebrate the 26th Space Coast and Birding Wildlife Festival. The official festival bird in 2025 will be the American Flamingo
If you have ever heard melodic sounds from your backyards, or caught a glimpse of something maneuvering stealthily through the tree limbs or shrub bushes, and wondered what is that – then you will know or learn the value of the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival (SCBWF).For decades the Space Coast has been pairing the curious amateur with the top expert birders in the country together for five days of fun and camaraderie.
Are you new to Florida and curious for a way to safely see and learn about the natural side of the state, then you need to know that SCBWF offers the most ways to see different Florida environs, along with meeting so many other birders and naturalists from across the state!
Join us as we celebrate the 25 th Space Coast and Birding Wildlife Festival. The official festival bird in 2024 will be the Sandhill Crane, chosen because cranes represent aspiration, travel, open mindedness, and inspire us to honor the miracles of nature around us. That is the Space Coast’s birding claim to fame – the abundance and variety of habitats and birds we love to show off in January!