- Schenke-Layland Lab | Lab for Medical Technologies and Regenerative Medicine

Description: The Schenke-Layland Lab at the University Hospital Tübingen

regenerative medicine (221) biomaterials (104) tissue engineering (48) raman spectroscopy (14) islet transplantation (7) matrix biology (2) confocal laser imaging (1)

Example domain paragraphs

One group, two locations - bridging the gap between academia and industry

Katja is the Professor of Medical Technologies and Regenerative Medicine and Director of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBE) at the Faculty of Medicine of the University Hospital Tübingen, as well as the Study Dean of the Medical Technology program at the University of Tübingen.

Katja is the Director of The Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) at the University of Tübingen in Reutlingen

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