- Josh Rosenau — "You will notice that it lacks definiteness; that it lacks purpose; that it lacks coherence; that it lacks a subj

Description: "You will notice that it lacks definiteness; that it lacks purpose; that it lacks coherence; that it lacks a subject to talk about; that it is loose and wabbly; that it wanders around; that it loses itself early and does not find itself early and does not find itself any more." —Mark Twain

Example domain paragraphs

Well who knows what is hap­pen­ing to Twit­ter, where most of my stray writ­ing has gone in recent years. My lifeboat will be at Mastodon .

I wrote this back when I worked at NCSE , and it still brings me joy. If you don’t recall the events of the Kitzmiller v. Dover tri­al, there are great resources at TalkO­ri­gins and per­haps the defin­i­tive con­tem­po­ra­ne­ous account in The New York­er (as well as the books ref­er­enced in the poem below).

’Twas the night before Kitz­mas and all through the land, No cre­ation­ist was stir­ring, not even Ken Ham; The briefs had been draft­ed and filed with great care, In hopes that Judge Jones’s decision’d be fair; The plain­tiffs were nes­tled all snug in their beds, While Bill of Rights visions ran round in their heads; And Nick blogged for PT , and Vic played The Boss , And fret­ted and fussed o’er the chance of a loss, When over the wires there arose such a clat­ter, I sprang from my bed to see what was th