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Check out our new videos below!  On the left is one of our most recent postings of an interview with a “wise sage” from our Science of Mind files!  On the right…..the latest recording of our new 2023 series of monthly “Lunch n’ Learn” zoom discussion series using previously unavailable recordings of Dr. Ernest Holmes.

Access this and thousands of other digital spiritual resources by subscribing to the Science of Mind Archives’ website for only $10/month or $99/year. WELCOME to the Science of Mind Archives Website! Our new monthly and annual subscriptions will allow you to access hundreds–if not thousands!–of “new” pieces of our Science of Mind history for your personal spiritual evolution, as well as to use for research, class materials, Sunday talks and readings, and much, much more.  You can also simply purchase indivi

In addition to ongoing releases of previously unreleased documents from Ernest Holmes and other Science of Mind teachers, we are excited to be bringing to you newly digitized audio recordings from Dr. Ernest Holmes,  Dr. Raymond Charles Barker and very soon many other New Thought teachers!  Also— be sure to check out the free “Research Tools” under “Free Wisdom” menu.  There you will find a free download of a document with hundreds of pages of Ernest Holmes quotes and much more! 

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