- SciMath C/C++ Scientific Math Library

Description: SciMath C/C++ Scientific Math Library provides advanced functions in most areas of math and is available for a wide range of applications and for a variety of 16 and 32 bit C/C++ compilers and platforms.

c++ (3782) math (2245) mathematics (1276) advanced (934) libraries (388) c/c++ (193) mathematical (49) compilers (34) math library (4) c math library (1)

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Welcome to ASA' SciMath home page.

ASA is the leader in scientific and mathematical software development. We develop scientific software in the areas of Circuit Simulation (See LineScope Signal Integrity Simulator ), CAD/CAE, Mathematical Modeling and C/C++ scientific math libraries. This home page describes SciMath an advanced C/C++ scientific math library developed by ASA

SciMath V.7.1 from ASA is the most powerful scientific C/C++ math library today. SciMath is suitable for developing applications in all areas of science such as Math, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Statistics, Financial Applications, ...etc. SciMath features hundreds of powerful mathematical functions. SciMath is sold in an already compiled format ( .lib file ) similar to the libraries used by your compiler. To use SciMath you simply link your application (Written in C or C++) with SciMath's library file.

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