- scottpattersoneditor

Description: Creative writer, director and content producer.

film (20813) personal (9730) freelance (7722) boutique (4872) editor (3671) editing (3381) 'scott (607) patterson' (95) nrl (58)

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Awards + Credits

Slamcam Films has over thirty years of experience producing video and film content across every kind of media platform. As a director, Scott Patterson has directed feature films, short films, television drama and comedy, television advertising, branded content, health and corporate videos.   Scott has helped some of the most iconic advertising campaigns such as the Tina Turner rugby league ads which set the bar for sports advertising.  From straight pieces to camera or requiring meticulous planning involvin

Whatever the scale, Slamcam Films has the experience to bring it all together  and deliver professional videos.  Whether working with Australia's best and renown actors to a footy fan, CEO, or anyone who hasn't ever stepped in front of a camera, Scott has the skills to bring out their best performance or feel at ease in front of the camera.  As a director, Scott is committed to creating great videos that engage viewers and deliver results for any client.  

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