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As the Internet becomes the outlet for most things social in our lives, people are increasingly looking towards the web to fulfill more lifestyle needs. Social behavior used to possess more physically active connotations, you can now be social, while sitting on your couch. The Internet has made everything from finding friends to joining clubs much easier, and some have even gone so far as to look for their future partner or spouse in the world of online dating.

This is one industry that has grown exponentially in the last several years. It was once considered a last ditch effort and an avenue of the desperate or socially inept, but as social media has consistently gained in popularity and use, other forms of online interaction have become more commonplace. Online dating is no exception. In fact, there have been an increase of niche sites that have cropped up to cater to any and every specific dating requirements, including religion and specific interests. You can

Initially, dating sites were more generic, and the information placed online was basic information. Now sites for specific religions and its practitioners, race specific dating, goal oriented dating – for example: those specifically looking to get married, and even sexual transmitted disease communities are boasting the opportunity for meeting a potential mate online. Some sites, like, do not cater to the LGTB community, but some of the top dating sites are inclusive to all races, genders, and

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