- Reflections from Pastor Kim

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Reflections from Pastor Kim

Featured Posted in CtK Life , Living a Life of Faith Advent is coming…EARLY! Posted on November 5, 2021 November 5, 2021 by Scribbling Pastor Advent is coming to Christ the King Lutheran Church early this year! Two weeks early in fact – beginning on November 14th! But why?

Simply put, sometimes trying new things means going back to old traditions and patterns. That’s right, Advent hasn’t always been 4 neat weeks. In fact it has ranged from 3 weeks to 6 weeks, to 40 days (a parallel to Lent that is still practiced by most Orthodox Christians.) “In the early centuries of the church, the length of Advent varied; sometimes it was three weeks, sometimes six or seven, sometimes forty days…The longer Advent was sometimes called “St. Martin’s Lent” because it begins with St. Martin’s