- A Catalyst for Bringing People Together

Description: The S. Dale High Leadership Center is a gathering place for business and nonprofit leaders to engage in vibrant dialogue advancing community interests and strength. Located in Greenfield Corporate Center in Lancaster, Pa., with nearby amenities, the facility features an atrium showcasing the evolution of entrepreneurship at High, an auditorium seating up to 140, a picturesque courtyard, and conference rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technologies. The Leadership Center is home to the High Family Office

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Conversations need a place to start, and common ground on which to build. Open dialogue, ongoing and constructive, is the basis for collaboration that leads to meaningful change. It is how things get done, and how we strengthen and sustain our work and our community.

Throughout his career, S. Dale High has started and fostered these conversations. His philosophy of servant leadership and his vision for lifting people up is reflected in Lancaster, throughout Central Pennsylvania, and beyond. It is in honor of Dale’s legacy that the third generation of the High Family helped to fund and dedicate The S. Dale High Leadership Center.

The Leadership Center represents the entrepreneurial, innovative spirit and culture embraced by the High Family over many years. It acknowledges Dale's belief that business has a role in solving community problems, and that the role is fulfilled through servant leadership.