- Word to the Wise | Older. Wiser. Wordier.

Description: Older. Wiser. Wordier.

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I will be co-hosting a new show at Book of Mormon Central’s YouTube channel with Marianna Richardson. “ Come Follow Me: Act in Doctrine ” will release every Wednesday, starting on December 23, 2020. Marianna and I will discuss the scripture block for each week by sharing our favorite takeaways, hearing from guests, and challenging one another to apply the the things we’ve learned.

Join us by subscribing to the channel or the playlist for the show . You can also visit this page for updated links to individual episodes. Here’s a peek at our welcome video:

Yesterday I felt an anxious load, so Matt drove me up the canyon and we went on a walk. I tried to talk it out so I could identify what was making me feel overwhelmed. My kids’ schools are in flux because of varying levels of COVID status. I had just dropped one off at an activity that had felt safe when I signed him up, but now I felt less sure. I read a Facebook post by the school district and started feeling sick when I saw all the angry fighting in the comments. My fears turned to our collective ability

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