- 华体育平台-华体育平台(中国)

Description: 华体育平台集团创建于1965年,2001年上市,位于浙江建德,拥有控股子公司70余家、员工近6000余人,属中国制造业500强、中国化工500强、中国氟硅行业领军企业、中国石化行业民营企业百强、中国民营企业社会责任百强等。(简称,证券代码600787)是具有中外合资性质、国有控股的A股上市公司。公司实际控制人为国务院国资委直属的中国诚通控股集团有限公司,第二大股东为全球领先的物流和工业地产商普洛斯。有限公司由周友義先生創辦於 1982 年10 月,為台灣半導體零組件通路商的早期先驅之一。營運據點以大中華地區為主。

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Making It Happen

With the global pandemic having changed our lives for good, can we expect digital marketing techniques to remain the same? As expected, digital marketing has undergone immense sophistication. Shifting to digital environments has emerged as the only option for many businesses to remain afloat. This has obviously impact digital marketing in more ways than we can imagine. Here are some ways in which digital marketing is expected to change in 2021:

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