- Kim Wittel | All About Born Crooked

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About the Book About Kim Wittel  About Born Crooked Order at Amazon Read an Excerpt The Pinkerton Detective Agency, it was said, would “follow even the slightest clues for years, and, almost without exception” would find a criminal and bring him to justice. Born Crooked is the true story of the nineteenth-century forgers —“the most expert band of criminals at that line of work known to the authorities”—who gave the newly emerging Pinkerton Agency a run for its money. You’ll learn what sent these men back t

“ History is above all else a good story . In Born Crooked , Kim Wittel tells a very good story in a captivating   style. Both the heroes and the villains come to life. You’ll be amazed at the importance of the Pinkerton Detective Agency in America as our country emerges as a world power in the early 20th century. Lovers of mysteries and lovers of history will find this book to be a gem.”