- Second Type Woman

Description: Transsexual articles, hormones, SRS, GRS, AIS, sex-change, breast augmentation, Annie Richards

women (5394) woman (1186) type (600) second (504) transsexual (473) transsexuals (114) annie (109) richards (67) transsexualism (5) annierichards (1)

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(Above) A stellar photo spread of 14 well-known transwomen published by C*ndy Magazine in 2014

I developed this website in the years around my transition in 2000, I hoped to present a reasonable and up-to-date summary of various aspects of male-to-female transsexualism, now usually referred to as Gender Identity Dysphoria (GID). 

The turn of the millennia was an extraordinary period which was truly transformational for transsexual women.  In 2000 the Internet had hundreds of small websites [admittedly often amateurish] published by transgender women on free hosting platforms such as Geocities , which collectively contained a huge amount of helpful information.  Fast forward 20+ years and these time-consuming websites are sadly long gone - replaced by thousands of social media accounts showing flattering photos posted on Instagram an