- SecuDB - Cybersecured Open-Source NoSQL Database

Description: SecuDB - Open-Source Secure NoSQL Database - with encryption and digital signatures

security (10094) java (6384) storage (5040) database (3731) smb (349) s3 (122) event sourcing (14) secudb (2)

Example domain paragraphs

SecuDB is a transactional NoSQL database that allows to be called securely in an encrypted way directly from the web browser. Server keeps only some required metadata and selected information in a non-encrypted form, while the main data is fully encrypted and available only to the client and chosen principals that possess keys to the repository. It's end-to-end encryption done on the client-side. This significantly reduces the negative effects of the following attacks: database or application server hack in

Changes in SecuDB database are fully auditable - reviewing changelog you can easily answer questions: who, when, what and why? SecuDB stores the stream of changes in a blockchain-like structure, which minimizes the risk of data interference even by own administrators.

SecuDB is an open-source project and the source code will be publicly available.