- - See Layne | An expat in Japan

Description: See Layne | An expat in Japan

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Last month, I told you about my goal to read 30 books in 2017. I am happy to report that I am ahead of schedule! I read another 4 books in February, which leaves me with 22 left to reach my goal. Read on to see what I read in February.

At first I thought I may have been too modest with my goal and should have set the bar a little higher. However, I can already feel myself pulling back a little. I think it’s because I have been choosing books that are a little too heavy. I had a 50/50 split between fiction and non-fiction this month, which is an improvement over last month . But the fiction was still pretty intense. I’m going to keep this in mind over the next month or two when I am choosing my books.

I spent a lot of time on airplanes last year , but that doesn’t mean I enjoyed it. I’ve never been a relaxed flyer, but I have certainly come to terms with the fact that flying really is a necessary evil. I have found that two glasses of wine at the beginning of any flight does wonders in calming my anxieties, but it doesn’t really help get to the root of them. I’ve seen this book mentioned in various places and was curious to see if reading it could help me overcome my nervousness. I found that the author