- PACS Picture Archiving Communication System | Segen Medical Nasional | RIS PACS Terbaik di Indonesia

Description: PACS Radiology dari PT. Segen Medical Nasional, Distributor alat kesehatan dan supplier RIS PACS terbaik di Indonesia dengan berbagai solusi: RIS-PACS & Teleradiology, RIS PACS System, RIS PACS Software, KSO PACS, MedSynapse PACS, DICOM workstation Scandoc for CT/MRI/CR, Teleradiology Software

pacs (243) ris pacs (45) pacs software (5) pacs system (3) dicom workstation (2) supplier pacs terbaik di indonesia (1) pacs radiologi (1) pacs synapse (1) pacs medsynapse (1) pacs terbaik di indonesia (1)

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Contact Us

PT. Segen Medical Nasional is distributor of a wide range of quality medical supplies to the Indonesian healthcare industry. Currently we are focused on offering digital healthcare solutions for Radiology such as RIS-PACS, Teleradiology, DICOM workstation for medical imaging solutions (CR, CT, MRI), Artificial Intelligence as well.

Especially for Teleradiologi, we provide  cloud based teleradiology solution, which is unique and advanced solution allowing the radiologist to view image and report from anywhere in the world without the need of installing any software. This solution allows the radiologist to be mobile and still provide improved patient care. Teleradiology solution is suitable for on-call radiologist, remote hospital, mobile hospital and area that has problems a traffic jam.