- Federal Select Agent Program

Description: The Federal Select Agent Program oversees the possession, use and transfer of select agents and toxins, which pose a threat to public, animal or plant health.

storage (5018) transfer (2396) guidance (686) regulation (410) use (149) toxins (73) possession (40) federal select agent program select agent bioterrorism agents/diseases

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FEDERAL SELECT AGENT PROGRAM Search × Submit Menu × Overview Home About Us History What's New Leadership Select Agents & Toxins Select Agents & Toxins List Exclusions Permissible Toxin Amounts Compliance FAQs Guidance Documents Preparing for an Inspection Security Risk Assessments Severity Spectrum and Enforcement Options Compliance Infographics Regulations & Policies Select Agents Regulations Policy Statements Regulatory Interpretations Veterinary Services Memoranda Department of Transportation Clarificati

Related Pages The Federal Select Agent Program is jointly comprised of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Division of Select Agents and Toxins and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Division of Agricultural Select Agents and Toxins. The Federal Select Agent Program oversees the possession, use and transfer of biological select agents and toxins, which have the potential to pose a severe threat to public, animal or plant health or to animal or plant products. The Program greatly enhan

If you have any questions or comments about the program, website or forms, contact  [email protected] .

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