- Self-Alignment - Home Page - Emergent Knowledge and Self-Alignment

Description: Website to promote personal development process self-alignment, originating from David Grove, researched and developed by Matthew Hudson

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Self-Alignment is a 7 day experiential process where you can develop and enrich a personal / business related 'project'. This process was developed directly with David Grove (the creator of Clean Language) in September 2007 and is based on his Emergent Knowledge and Clean Space theories. This is BRAND NEW material and highly effective!

The derivation of Project is literally Pro (forward / in front) - ject (to throw), i.e. to throw forward. Self-Alignment is based on the principle of a project being something that you are personally driven to achieve, a goal or outcome that is projected from you.

You will experience a re-alignment to yourself, to your project and your purpose in life. Enabling you to re-gain focus and energy, to re-connect with your 'inner' or 'true' self and your project, so you may then 're-project' your project and begin afresh with renewed vigour and zest!

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