- One-Word Domains Raizy - Discounted Kosher Domains Broker - Raizy Sweet Domain Names

Description: One-word domains are memorable. Raizy makes em affordable. DISCOUNTED kosher domain names, gifts to last forever. From Raizy, Sales director, Advertibles LLC

Example domain paragraphs

BIG TRUTH: Unlike most gifts, no one ever forgets who gave them a one-word domain! Millions of packages given & received every week. How many get remembered? One-word domains count among "gifts of a lifetime" because they last a lifetime. Just choose the name you wish to give, and remember, it's almost a matter of law: Anyone receiving a one-word domain from you HAS to love you even more, & forever! One word domains are the gift of a lifetime, to last for many gratifying years, being useful.

The tiny habit of imitating people who do something much better than you gives you a handle on how to do it with your own flavor. First, imitate the recipe, THEN innovate with your own experience, knowledge, or direction of expression. First, imitate the recipe.

One-word domains are the greatest gift imaginable: You never forgot who bought you a one-word domain, that's for sure. With all the .com's gone, .work domains are the best top-level domain: .work domains are a statement as well as a TLD. They introduce you to the world, and make it easier to reach you. That's because everyone can remember one word, true enough? Grab your one-word domains while you can! To own or lease any of these delightfully USEFUL domains, drop Raizy a note: [email protected] manuf

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