- RSI - Communication Management Solutions - Resource Software International Ltd (RSI)

Description: Cloud Call Accounting, call accounting software, call center reporting, real time dashboard, CRM Integration, cradle to grave call detail, pbx administration, mobile tracking, hotel billing, telemanagement software, switch administration, unified communication management

team collaboration (98) call recording (62) emergency notification (27) call accounting software (11) hotel billing (7) call center reporting (5)

Example domain paragraphs

Since 1990, Resource Software Intenrnational Ltd. (RSI), has been a global leader in the development and implementation of scalable communication analytics solutions including call accounting, real time and historical call queue metrics and emergency notification.

Our Shadow All In One Analytics portfolio allows organizations to proactively monitor, measure and manage the health of communication ecosystems.

Founded in 1990, Resource Software International Ltd. (RSI) is a world leader in producing products, training and resources that proactively manage, control and reduce the expense of communication facilities resulting in a more dynamic, responsive and productive communication ecosystem.