Description: Exploring the future of our civilization in light of Seneca's stoic philosophy. Ruin may be a consequence of too much growth (The Seneca Effect).
This quote is often attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca. I am not sure he actually said that, but it is appropriate to the current situation. The Seneca Effect blog closes down for the reasons explained in a previous post . But the spirit and the ideas of Seneca and his modest modern follower, Ugo Bardi, continue in other forms. Ugo Bardi blogs:
The Internet is full of angry people shouting insults at each other. Take it easy, fellows, do as a good stoic would do. Accept the will of the Gods, but keep doing your duty and help others as much as you can. And have a little fun, when you can.
The moment has arrived: after about two years of posting on the "Seneca Effect" blog; I see that a cycle is concluded: look at the stats: