Description: 浅間茶屋は北口本宮冨士浅間神社のすぐ隣!山中湖畔にも支店がございます。ほうとうで真心のおもてなし 浅間茶屋:0555-30-4010・浅間茶屋山中湖店:0555-73-8066
甲斐の国・山梨に旨し麺処、「浅間茶屋」あり。 郷土の味ほうとうと吉田のうどんを、 地元の美しい自然のなかで食していただけますように。
Hoto is a traditional noodle dish local to Yamanashi prefecture. There is an anecdote that the regional warlord Takeda Shingen cut the ingredients for the dish with his own sword. Lots of seasonal and local vegetables are simmered in a miso-based soup. You will feel the warmth of the land in one rich and tasteful dish.