- ZAS Film AG - Seniors Rocking

seniors (1552) marin county (269) redwoods (65) rocking (42) anna halprin (6) seniors rocking (2) breath made visible (2) ruedi gerber (2) jim glyer (2) verna l. bynum (2)

Example domain paragraphs

SENIORS ROCKING, a companion piece to the feature length film Breath Made Visible, is a short documentary that unveils the artistic process and captures the communal energy behind the unique performance created by American dance pioneer Anna Halprin with senior citizens from all walks of life from the Redwoods Community of Seniors and the Sunshine Club in Marin County, CA. Led by Anna Halprin's belief in dance’s power to teach, heal and transform, the film portrays and follows these senior citizens expressi

SENIORS ROCKING explores the artistic process of Anna Halprin, a pioneer of American dance, through the prism of a single performance piece. The film retraces not only the development of a unique performance with residents of two nursing homes in California, but also the growth of a sense of community when fifty people from various walks of life, age 65 to 100, join forces to perform together.

Underpinned by Halprin’s conviction that dance and movement embolden people to express themselves and, in so doing, change their lives, the film shows how the participants give physical shape to their personal messages for posterity through a dance performance.