- SensMax is a manufacturer of IoT solutions & sensors.

Description: Low-cost remote monitoring sensors & online reporting for people counting, temperature & humidity monitoring and customer surveys.

wireless alarm system (13) iot sensors (11) people counting system (9) remote monitoring system (5) customer survey system (1)

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SensMax develops and manufactures high-quality, modern devices for business with a convenient and intuitive interface for each device. We offer various device types to meet different requirements of the business. We use only modern technologies, modern developments, and the latest components. So you can “keep up with the times” with us!

Installation of devices is fast and easy without special technical knowledge. SensMax offers everything to make installation time as little as it is possible. It takes 5-10 minutes to install any of our devices. By buying SensMax devices you are getting all-inclusive in the device kit even the smallest, but necessary parts - such as tape, bolts, brackets, etc. 

SensMax software offers many useful reports for better understanding your business.  It contains a variety of reports to meet all requirements. It is fast, convenient, modern, and intuitive. SensMax offers various options on how to deliver and view statistical data, both in our reporting systems, or integrate the data into your system.

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