- The Web's Sixth Sense: A Study of Scripts Accessing Smartphone Sensors

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Mobile browsers allow web pages you visit to access sensors on your smartphone. We performed a study to find out how this functionality is used in practice: which websites are using your sensors, what they are doing with the data, and what are the privacy implications. The results are published in a paper at ACM CCS'18 . This companion website presents some of our high-level findings and data.

The study is a collaboration of Anupam Das 1 , Gunes Acar 2 , Nikita Borisov 3 and Amogh Pradeep 4 1 North Carolina State University 2 Princeton University 3 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4 Northeastern University

All the findings below are based on a web crawl of the Alexa top 100K websites carried out in May 2018.

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