- Industrial Furnaces Company | Buy High Temperature Laboratory Furnaces Online - SentroTech

Description: Order high temperature laboratory furnaces direct from SentroTech. We are an industrial furnaces company that specializes in custom laboratory and production furnaces manufacturing and support. Visit our site and shop for muffle furnaces, tube furnaces, and vacuum furnaces at SentroTech.

vacuum ovens (14) vacuum furnaces (6) tube furnaces (4) box furnaces (1) muffle ovens (1)

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Sentro Tech takes pride in being a top manufacturer of custom, high-temperature industrial furnaces and ovens for various industries. Our furnaces can be provided for a wide range of industries and applications. From high-temperature laboratory furnaces to dental furnaces, we’ve got you covered. As a leading industrial furnace company in Northeast Ohio, we are confident that we can provide you with the technology and services that you need.

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Sentro Tech manufactures high-temperature industrial furnaces and ovens for a variety of industries, including universities, labs, and 3D printing. Browse our standard muffle, vacuum, and tube furnaces.