Description: 서울은 도심 속 가까이에 뛰어난 자연경관을 즐길 수 있는 도시와 자연의 매력이 공존하는 도시입니다. 서울 등산관광을 테마로 북한산, 인왕산, 북악산 등 도심 속 등산이 가능한 서울 등산 명소를 소개합니다.

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Seoul is a city where you can enjoy outstanding natural landscapes close to the city center. It is indeed where a city and the charm of nature coexist. Seoul’s mountains, such as Bukhansan Mountain, Inwangsan Mountain, and Bugaksan Mountain, boast impressive sceneries and captivate the hearts of hikers and tourists. Under the theme of Seoul hiking tourism, we would like to showcase the charms of Seoul, where hiking in the city center is possible.

Seoul Hiking Tourism Center locates five minutes away from Bukhansan Ui Station. It will provide hikers and tourists with various services. At Seoul Hiking Tourism Center, we provide services as follows:

Information on Seoul hiking tourism

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