- Sergio Martinez - Mobile Developer / Xamarin

Description: Mobile development, Xamarin, Xamarin Forms, Mobile Apps, Android development, iOS development

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Sergio Martinez

A professional software developer with a passion for constant challenges and thirst of knowledge. A person driven by the duty of creating powerful & exquisite IT solutions regardless of their flavor. An innovator who always stands by his beliefs and pursuits his plans and goals. With a topnotch technical skill set, extreme attention to details, international working experience and strong academic background; I see myself as no less than the perfect key player in this technology-based globalized business wor

Currently working on the Development of modern & elegant Enterprise mobile applications for different Industries using the Microsoft toolset. Technologies used: Xamarin.Forms, Xam.iOS & Xam.Android, Azure, Progress/Kinvey and 3rd party libraries and more. GIT, Jira, Confluence, Slack, Zepplin & Invision are supporting these duties.