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Even the most inexperienced novice trader understands that the ability to correctly identify a trend and predict its future direction is a key point in trading. Trend is the basis of technical analysis and a factor that must be considered in all circumstances. So what is the trend in Forex trading? This is the direction of the price movement of a financial instrument, which reflects the state of the market as a whole. Trends are of three types: – ascending; – descending; – side. Continue reading →

Many have garages that they do not use and would like to organize a business there. In this article we will analyze business ideas with minimal investment in the garage, but with minimal investment. In large part, you can do without investments. Let’s take a closer look at 3 ideas in the garage. THREE BUSINESS IDEAS WITH MINIMUM INVESTMENTS IN THE GARAGE Below we take a closer look at each idea in the garage. Before that, I would like to say that it is worth investing large financial resources, only in thos

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