- ServicePress: WordPress Integration for ServiceNow

Description: WordPress Integration for ServiceNow

wordpress (9265) retail (4506) integration (1867) woocommerce (469) efficient (436) popup (127) servicenow (84) woo (38) servicepress (1) popup retail

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Do you manage tens or hundreds of sites? Do you need to better monitor the changes of each site and content being sent over? ServicePress is here to address your needs!

Easy to use and quickly prove out value in less than 1 hour. Install plugins on WordPress and ServiceNow, then request a new site on the Dashboard by filling out a basic form.

Do you manage your product inventory in WooCommerce? For example, tracking your shipment of Cheese? Is the plane Wheels up? ServicePress uses the functionality of ServiceNow’s Procurement process, Asset Management, and Reporting to help you Shred your way to Grate-ness!

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