- SES-Salico

Description: SES, LLC. of Alliance, Ohio and SALICO group headquartered in Molteno, Italy join to supply the typical SALICO range of products in the North American market. SALICO high level aluminum finishing line technology together with advanced engineering and manufacturing facilities of SES permit the offering of very high technology lines backed up with American engineering, construction and after sales service to North American aluminum producers.

ohio (5836) italy (3521) spain (2735) united states (2664) north america (750) alliance (682) ses (361) salico (4) north american market (3) molteno (3)

Example domain paragraphs

SES, LLC. of Alliance, Ohio and SALICO group headquartered in Molteno, Italy join to supply the typical SALICO range of products in the North American market. SALICO high level aluminum, carbon steel, stainless steel, copper and brass finishing line technology together with advanced engineering and manufacturing facilities of SES permit the offering of very high technology lines backed up with American engineering, construction and after sales service to North American ferrous and non-ferrous producers.