Description: Seth4SOS, Seth Woolley for Oregon Secretary of State
Seth Woolley, the Pacific Green nominee for Oregon Secretary of State, is the only candidate with a strong progressive platform based on healthier native forests, real election reform, and better, transparent auditing. Touch the blue headers below to read about the issues and hover over the buttons to the left to get more detail.
the national dialogue has moved to the corrupting influence of unlimited donations creating bailouts for special interests and major donors of both parties.
In 2008 a front group for powerful corporations opposed to the election of Hillary Clinton calling itself "Citizens United" was restricted from airing a hit piece against Hillary Clinton in the run up to her election due to laws against corporations influencing elections directly and immediately before elections. They challenged it to the Supreme Court who in 2010 shockingly overturned all restrictions against overt corporation and union involvement in elections. The court decided that corporations should h