- - SHEMIM | שםים | شميم - A Sweet Fragrant Breeze

Description: 4444® is a social movement that will revolutionize human well-being by using a fragrance-based marker to monitor progress transparently.

self-determination (28) global governance (23) universal harmony (3) nationalism and globalism (1) universal confederation (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Based on Devarim 19:14 “ You shall not move your neighbor’s landmarks, set up by previous generations, ” Torah suggests the inverse policy guideline: It defines border landmarks and forbids to violate the “neighbor’s landmarks.” The term “landmarks” includes the cultural pillars and traditional norms, forbidding to impose one’s beliefs and institutions on others. This law includes religious proselytization and conversion.

The Torah cherishes diversity over uniformity. People shall live based on their particular customs and judgments. Founded on the Trial-and-Error learning method, Humanity shall create to share, and learn from, the “best practices” of one another (See YHUDAY ). The circular dialogues within various levels and the cultivation of ‘Knowledge Management Strategies’ will eventually lead to upward expanding spiral growths.

It is suggested the creation of a ‘universal confederation,’ comprising a multiplicity of self-governing, sovereign entities at three levels: Cantons, Cities, and Communities (3Cs). Similar to the “Swiss confederation,” the aim is to maximize the transfer of Authority and Power to the smaller structures, where there is greater proximity to those affected. (See ‘ MAYORCHY ’) By eliminating the nation-states as political units, we eradicate the related issues. For example, policymakers usually focus on nation

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