- Sexual Misconduct By Doctors

Description: Sexual Misconduct By Doctors - Tips On Preventing Sexual Misconduct And How To Report Abuse By Physician.

pa (5476) physician (1102) nurse (724) medical professionals (55) sexual misconduct (9) humiliated (8) sexually abused by doctor (1) physician's assistant (1) sexually violated (1) medical rape (1)

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This web site is a service of Medical Patient Modesty , a non-profit organization that works to help educate patients and their families about how to have maximum modesty for procedures; how to stand up for their rights requesting a same-sex medical team for intimate procedures; and how to prevent sexual abuse by medical professionals. MPM also works to educate medical professionals on how to be more sensitive to patient modesty. Check out important information you should know.

The purpose of this informational web site is to help patients to know what they should do if they have been sexually abused by a medical professional. Check out How To Report Sexual Misconduct By a Medical Professional .

This educational web site contains tips on how patients can prevent sexual abuse by medical professionals .

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